The Incredible Quantum Magnetic Analyzer
Simply taking a sensor in the palm of your hand, data on various health systems of the body are collected in a few minutes. The magnetic resonance analyzer measures the response of a subject and compares it with the reference material, the information gathered allows it to recognize the deviation from the desired response.
Analysis Principle :
The human body is an aggregate of numerous cells, which have continued to grow, develop, split, regenerate and die. Until death, cells renew themselves. For adults, about 25 million cells divide every second. Blood cells renew themselves continuously at a rate of about 100 million per minute. In the process of cell division and renewal, bodies are loaded by extra-nuclear electrons that migrates constantly at a high speed by emitting electromagnetic waves without interruption. These emitted electromagnetic signals by the human body are the signature whether it is healthy or unhealthy. Quantum analyzer is a new instrument designed to record this phenomenon. These signals of low value are collected by the sensor and then processed by a microprocessor after amplification. The data is then compared by the software with the quantum resonance spectrum of conditions, nutrition and other incorporated indicators to determine if the shapes are irregular using the principles of the Fourier series decomposition. An interpretation analysis is then performed on the basis of the result of the scan of the waveform.
Elements Analysis:
The Quantum Magnetic Resonance system is a fast, non-invasive method. The main elements of observations are: cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease, bone mineral density, trace elements, heavy metals, rheumatism, lungs and respiratory tract, kidney, blood glucose, the stomach, intestines, liver, gallbladder, cranial nerves, gynecological, prostate, bone diseases, trace elements (selenium, iron, zinc, etc.
Speed and Practical Observations:
Multiple areas of the body can be scanned for observation in a few minutes. This analysis method is designed to save you time, money and energy. The vast database of the system has been established with scientific methods and statistics based on a large number of clinical cases to reference from.
Non-invasive and Painless:
The scans observations may provide a non-invasive opportunity for YOU to support YOU in your holistic health goals.
Simple and Practical:
Quantum Magnetic Resonance system is a straight-forward system that provides clear information with concise wellness tools that can be performed at your convenience.